Sunday, September 6, 2009

Rachel Corrie - The Girl with Dreams


The American Hero....The Girl with Dreams ....The Princess of Palestine

Rachael Corrie was an American person , but she was not a normal one , she was different , she had dreams. Rachel wanted a better world for everyone , in her Fifth grade speech she said
"I am here for other children , I am here because I care , I am here because children everywhere are suffering and because forty thousand people die each day from hunger , I'm here because those people are mostly children. We've got to understand that the poor all around us and we're ignoring them. We've got to understand that these deaths are preventable , we've got to understand that people in third world countries think , and care , and smile and cry just like us. We've got to understand that they are us , we are them , my dream is to stop hunger by the year 2000 , my dream is to give the poor a chance , my dream is to save the forty thousand people who die each day. My dream can and will come true if if we all look in the future and see the light that shines there."

Rachel Corrie didn't live long enough to see her dreams come true , she was killed by a bulldozer operated by the Israel Defense Forces who tried to demolish Palestinian home , Rachel chose to make a human shield of herself to save innocent humans.

she was an American citizen , living a good life in USA ,she could have continued with her life this way , but she chose not to stand and watch the brutality in our world... she chose to do something... she went to Gaza and joined activists to do something.

just imagine ... someone like you and me chose to stand against a bulldozer just to protect other humans she doesn't really know, 23 years old girl did that. Every human should be proud of her.

Rachel Corrie ... I wish I would be like you one day.


  1. Mohamed-
    Rachel Corrie has long been portrayed as an innocent participant in International Solidarity Movement actions to prevent “Israeli demolition of civilian homes.” The truth is the opposite, she was a naïve human shield to protect supplies of arms and snipers and that had smuggling tunnels. Palestinian terrorists have a history of using civilian homes in order to prevent Israel from acting to stop them. That was Rachel’s job. To solidify her position with her new found friends, she burns an American flag, her face contorted in anger and rage as it goes up in smoke. ( She admits “the difficulties the Israeli army would face if they shot an unarmed US citizen.” She was willing to a piece of propaganda if something were to happen to her while protecting terrorists.

    At the time of her death she was demonstrating in front of a home near a smuggling tunnel that was used to bring in weapons and rockets to be used against Israeli civilians. Sadly, she picked an active war zone in which to demonstrate.

    Rachel Corrie was no martyr. She was there with her fellow ISM activists to confront the Israeli military. She was a pawn of the ISM, an organization intent on destroying the State of Israel, and the terrorists it fronts.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. With all respect to your point of view , but I do not agree about some points here.

    First of all , I don't see the Palestinian people as terrorists , cause all i can see is that they are getting killed and trying to defend their existence. I'm an Egyptian after all so it should be clear that I'm knowledgeable of the whole Palestinian-Israeli Conflict and not just affected by the propaganda.

    Yes Rachel Corrie used her body as a human shield , thinking that Israel won't dare to kill American citizen so that's how she tried to protect the house of Samir Nasrallah who is just a Palestinian pharmacist.

    Yes her face is in anger and rage , but at the children killers, the Israeli government & military and those who support them ,you know who. well in the times of bush , there is no wonder she burnt it , many people would've burnt the American flag as well.

    Plus , I don't see any terrorists in the picture , unless if you think these children are terrorists.

    She wanted to be a piece of propaganda not to protect terrorists , but to alert the world of what's going on there in Palestine of killing and destruction , Rachel Corrie was a great human with a message in life.

    Last part is taken from the Israeli story of her death , which has been proved as a lie to the whole world by the pictures and eye witnesses.

    I think it is well known to the whole world who is trying to destroy who so i will not comment on the last part.

    P.S : I just wanted to add that what I said doesn't mean that I believe that all palestinains are angels and all Israeli people are war criminals , this idea is just like movies.

    Ofcourse there are some palestinains that we can terrorists , and of course there are some Israeli people who hate violence and military actions. Generalization ( If my english is correct ) is one of the worst mistakes humans do everyday.
    yes there are terrorists in this world , but not all Muslims are terrorists, and not all terrorists are Muslims!

  4. You are right pharaoh, Nice topic my Friend.
