Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Where is God?

"Where is god amidst all the fears , disasters , killing and destruction on this earth ?There is no god for humans but the humans themselves. "
He said that after he saw this picture.

It was taken In the year 1993 during the starvation in Southern Sudan , It shows a girl struggling to reach the feeding center , but she stopped for a break, and it also shows vulture waiting for her to die.

Someone asked this question .. "where is god ?" ... he told me the story of this picture ,and that it was taken by a photojournalist named Kevin Carter and he won Pulitzer prize for it. he also told me that Kevin committed a suicide one year later because he couldn't live in peace with himself.

Kevin Carter committed suicide despite of all the fame , the job , the money , apparently all this was not enough.
The job , the fame , the money ,

If you leave a child on the ground while you adjust your camera lens and take the picture , then leave in a chopper , would you feel any joy in your life ? I think I understand why Kevin committed suicide.

What if Kevin threw his camera away and ran to that child , carried her to the feeding center or the chopper ? I bet even if without winning Pulitzer prize and without having any fame , he would live happy till the day he die , He would've never lost hope in good and he would've never committed a suicide.

where is god ? he ask ....

We would question that if there's no food on earth , but God didn't cause the starvation , There is food enough for everyone .... God gave the humans food and all the sources .. and he watched humans starving while other humans are throwing food away...

where is god ? god shows himself in everything good we do for humanity and earth , and of course those who neglect his message will keep wondering where is god .. where did he go ?

watching the world going to chaos by all the destruction , wars , killing and starvation makes me think that the real Question is ... Where are the humans??? where did they go ??


  1. Where is God? God is inside our heart... he live inside us. human stupidity is everywhere thats y they keep asking a question which owez against the Lord above.

  2. Sometimes we might be searching God who has been only at the other side of the world..however we still can see people keep wasting their food while some people are starving. We gotta appreciate life and be thankful..
    Keep posting's lovely!
