Friday, October 16, 2009

Perhaps It's good

Its been a long time since I wrote something here .. I don't really know why ... Is it because my blog assignment is over ? is it because most of the topics in my mind are the heavy type that one short post wouldn't be enough ? or is it because every time i open my blog .. i see the picture from my previous post ? Well it doesn't matter , what matters is that I'm here with something new already :)
today there wont be any serious topics or sad stories ... today I will just tell a story about optimism from the old Arabian culture :)

lets not waste time and let's start with the story :

Once upon a time there was a king ruling his peaceful kingdom , that king had a very wise minister who was helping him manage his kingdom.
One thing about the minister used to annoy the king all the time .. when ever anything bad or any disaster happens in the kingdom ... the minister always say " perhaps it's good ".

The King never understood why his minister used to say these words which makes the King very mad.

One day , the King and his minister went for hunting in the forest as they always do every week,
during their animal hunting , the King got attacked by a wolf which injured the king and ate his finger before the minister manage to kill it.

The King was in a very bad mood especially after he went back to his palace , and then he heard his minister say " Perhaps it's good " . The king god really angry like never before, that he ordered the guards to put his close friend the minister in jail , It was really shocking for the king when his minister said , while he is being pulled to jail by the guards , " perhaps it's good" .

one month after that accident , the King decided to go hunting again as it's in his blood , but this time the king went alone as his minister was still in jail.

During the hunt , the King got attacked by a pagans worshiping tribe who captured him and tied him up , the king found out that they want to sacrifice him to their gods by throwing him in the fire.

As they prepared him to be sacrificed and they almost threw him in the fire , one of them yelled "STOP , DON'T THROW HIM IN ". Everybody stopped and they asked " why ? " , that person said " look at his right hand , there is a missing finger. If we give a bad sacrifice to gods their curses shall be on us. " , As they all looked and realized his cut finger , the pulled him away from the fire and let him free with disappoint.

The King didn't believe he is still a live all because his finger was cut before , so he went back to his palace and the first thing he did was ordering to let his minister free and bringing him to meet the king.

so when the minister came , the King said " I never knew you are that wise until now . It was really a good thing that my finger was cut before even though I was very mad when it happened, but i have a question.. why did you say perhaps it's good when i sent you to jail , what was good about that ?"

The wise Minister replied " your majesty , If you didn't send me to jail that time , maybe I would have been captured with you and maybe they would have sacrificed me instead. "

What the story says :

sometimes things happen in a way we hate but it's because we look from the eyes of today only .. we don't look at tomorrow
see things in optimistic way , and everything will be alright

Never take things for what they look today ... maybe tomorrow you will love what you hate today.
always thank god for the good and bad and believe that he has a plan for you.

1 comment:

  1. Its really a good story had alot of wisdom
    Thank you Mohamed
