Sunday, August 30, 2009

Terrorism... who is the terrorist?

Terrorism .... We've been hearing this word too much lately with no real understanding for what it means... let's have a look at the dictionary first.

Terrorism : The calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear'

well .. all this calculated violence bla bla bla in this long definition , we can say terrorism is planned violence against civilians to achieve some goals ....

ok now after we've read the definition and understood it .. why don't we apply it on real life to know who are the real terrorists ..

1. the settlers who killed 100-114 millions of native American Indians , the real land owners .... those settlers actions caused of extermination of total 100-114 millions of HUMANS to install their new country and build the united states of America (God bless America)... isn't this Terrorism ? if this isn't terrorism then what is ?

2. Chi Guevara ... a well known " hero " or a freedom fighter for the west .. a person who fought everywhere cause he believed that all humans should be treated equally .. that's not terrorism .. but lets see some of the hero's actions first .. it is known about guevara that in one of his fights and after damaging the enemy hardly ... he planted bombs in the bodies of the dead and wounded people , so when the back up forces and the first aid come he all of them together .. doesn't seem like a hero behavior for me .. how about you .. does it ? what is the difference between guevara and other people who are fighting to defend their countries and their freedom ? is it because they are arabians ? anyone against america is a terrorist ..

3. the Americans ,again , in Iraq.. they are not fighting an army ... but some groups ,and for that they are killing so many civilians and torturing so many innocent people in their prisons... terrorism ? no .. it's USA!!!

4.all those whom i've mentioned earlier are so innocent comparing to the biggest terrorist .. israel ... they say " a picture is worth a thousand words." so i will let you see the pictures and tell who is the terrorist.

Israeli army asked the children of Israel to write message to Palestine and Lebanon kids

Message Recieved

Isn't it time to stop and think , who is the terrorist?
If you still need time to think , you should see these pictures also.

how about a video of the recent actions ?

I got nothing more to say except one thing ... if terrorism is defending your country and dying for it , if it is supporting those who do so... if terrorism is saying NO to injustice .. if terrorism is helping the weak and standing against the evil even if it's the USA or Israel ... . if that's what USA, Israel and the world call terrorism ... then I would glad to be a terrorist.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A huge dream .. few skills and no assets but determenation

I have a dream .... well , who doesn't ?!

but my dream is really big for my current situation , thats why it's called a dream.

Some people think we call it a dream because we will never reach there.. so its only an imagination for them , but for me a dream means a vision of the future ..
Nothing is impossible , but somethings are expensive. Are you willing to pay the price ?

about 5 years ago I used to practice Martial Arts in military center in Egypt. I remember a conservation i had once with a friend of mine , when I said" I wish I could win Egypt championship , qualify to world championship and win it , but it's simply impossible." My friend said back " It's not impossible. I guarantee for you that you will win this championship if you pay the price for it , which is expensive. "
I asked what is the price then his reply was " are you willing to train everyday for 6 hours atleast for the next 5 years with the same spirit and to push yourself to adapt physically and mental through these years ?" such an expensive price right?.

I wrote about this now cause i remember ... Nothing is impossible .... but it's us who don't believe in ourselves , plus we are too lazy as human beings, we want to sit down there and watch our dreams come true , we don't want to pay the price.

lets take khaled for example here ... khaled loves the ford mustang , everyone knows that .. it's his dream.
If khaled said " oh i wish to get the mustang someday but its impossible , it cost 20,0000$ and I will never make that much. " it means khaled is not willing to pay the price which is not the 20,000 here ... it is working hard and pushing yourself , being creative and find ways to earn more money , and any other way to reach his goal , he chose to say he wont make it and keep it in his imagination.

or if khaled said " It's my dream .. ill do anything to make it true " and then hes accepting to pay the price of working very hard , improving his financial situation and his life till he make his dream come true ..

and that's why some people dream and wonder why their dreams never come true ...

Are you willing to pay the price for your own dream to become true ? or would you prefer to sit down there and say it's impossible ... it's just a dream anyway ?

getting back to me ... yes i have a dream .. a huge one , so so far away right now , but tomorrow it wont be as far , as i will move a step forward, and as they have always said ... A journey of 1000 miles begins with one step.
I know the price and im willing to pay it, no matter how long it takes ..

I have no skills in this field of my dream , but i have determination which can make me gain skills and run to my dream instead of walking ! :) maybe one day when i make it true i will post here also ! :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ramadan in Egypt

There is no doubt that what we can see in in Egypt during the month of Ramadan " the fasting month " can not be seen anywhere else ! :)

You can know it is Ramadan from all the decorations and when you see the Egyptian lanterns all around .

you can know it's Ramadan when you gather with your family in the dawn , eat together then go to the mosque and pray together , where you will see surrounded by the crowd , that you're not the only one who decided to go.

during the fasting hoursyou will see the people working with even more energy that you would think that stopping eating strengthen them.

when it comes to breakfast time , the streets will be very quite as you wont see a car moving , everyone at their home or at their relatives home having their breakfast. Or right in the street ,for the poor people who can't really afford spending much on food and for people who were late and still in the streets , there are stands called " Tables of the merciful " ( merciful here referring to god , so it mean something like god's tables , meaning its god feeding them and providing food , not the donators.
On these table , people who don't know each other get together and share the happiness & food.

after eating and spending time with family , the time comes for the prayer which is called " Taraweeh prayer " ... umm its very hard to translate the meaning but it mean something like soul refreshment :)

In this prayer you see enormous number of people praying , these pictures for Taraweeh prayer are taken at my hometown Alexandria.

hehe that's all for now, here are some few pics for Egypt during Ramadan. i will be adding more later ! :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ATIC Open Futsal Tournament : An overview

Hello readers ,

Today I will be talking about the ATIC open futsal tournament event which was held last Saturday( 15 August ) in Suria futsal , Jesselton point , KK.

My post will be more like telling the story and discussing it .

So .... It was one of the days of early july when Ms Ruhaidah our Recreational Tourism lecturer told us that we, as students , will have to organize a recreational event as our major project for the subject.

sound interesting huh ? that's what I also thought. I thought i will finally work as part of an organized team with goals and structure, but I was mistaken.

Three things showed me that it is going to be messed up, they are the choice of departments , the people chosen for departments and the choice of event itself.

OK ... Lets go

1st .The choice of departments :

we had these departments & position in our organization team:

promotion department
f&b department
protocol department
Souvenir department
safety and security department

cool ... but there were 1 important person /department missing

Technical Department

Tell you what ... all these teams are important , but we forgot that there should be a department specialise on the technical side for whatever we are doing .... for the actual event itself .. if our event is futsal ... that team must have high knowledge of futsal and they should run the event according to high knowledge of futsal and its rules , if our event is basketball tournament , it should go the same way .... did we have this ? HELL NO!

2nd. the people chosen for departments

Lets stop here for a while and think .. when a company hires you , don't they hire you for a specific job that you can actually do ? that's what we lacked in this part ... professionalism.

of course the chairman, vice-chairman and all the key positions should be chosen by votes .. I totally agree , but the problem here is the departments
we did it like this :
example : F& b section , you ,him ,him , and her
other departments went the same ...while we should have asked these people to join departments of their interest for a high potential ...
that's why in the end .... Achael from F&B was designing poster for promotion ... while the promotion people were handling the Safety and Security team duties ... and Eunice the treasurer was watching the futsal scoreboard ... lol what a mess ....

3rd. The Event Choosing

after all the departments were formed ... we wanted to choose the event which we wish to organize , and then i knew the organized team i was hoping to work as a part of ... is just like a mob
mob : a disorderly crowd of people

when we were given choices of event to organize .. everyone chose what they would like to play , not to organize ... for example ...if its written on board treasure hunting .. some people were thinking this way : wow treasure hunting , sound like fun . while they don't know anything about treasure hunting event organizing , so it was totally random and we made few wrong choices ...

Actually it should have been done this way :

everyone who got a suggestion for event must give a brief idea on how it is going to be organized and their expectations for it ...and he should convince the others before the event idea is listed on the choices board. Just like siti did with basket ball idea , she knew what she do , so she suggested. that's how to work organized.

Anyway , Enough talking about the preparing process cause I don't want to get high blood pressure in such a young age!! we will move directly to the event date.

The Event day

on last Saturday 15 August , all the organizers arrived 7:30 am , we started preparing for the event .. after all , we started on 8:30 ... mars was with the f&b department helping them distribute the food and drinks on teams , while i was inside organizing the matches schedule for both groups A & B , and Ralph Jayson was there also helping me.

well to make it short ... after sometime , we found that there is a team missing in each group as they didn't show up , so some teams wont be as exhausted as others. at this point , me and Ralph had a discussion about the decision to do ... he wanted a team from A to play against a team group B , while my idea was not to do that but to extend the rest time , as it is simply against the game rules since the 2 teams are in different groups ... so we kept discussing ... mars came in, well lets say she wanted to take decision that doesn't fit at all ... i disagreed with both of them , with all respect. and decided to do what i believed is right , based on experience gained from organizing previous tournaments .
well sadly 2 people there couldn't handle the pressure that anyone could face in their work life any time , and they left me alone , so i had to take full responsibility ...later on Ralph came back and showed real professionalism ...which i respect him for.

anyway .. me and Ralph reached a solution that would save the schedule and at that part made me really feel like I'm working with organized people.

well some people didn't really show what we hoped from them , maybe still got a lot to learn ... we were lucky that the event went fine with that number of critical mistakes , but at least we got our story out of it ...
I will mention some people who showed real team work spirit by volunteering on the event day in a really helpful way :

Ralph Jayson : even though he is in safety and security department .. he has been helping all the way on the technical side of event .... and he showed real spirit !! cheers man :D
Emma, Achael , Sue, Sharol : they took care of players injuries and handled medical problems even though they were from promotion / f&b team. thanks girls .

Rachel Kimberley : she helped by handling announcements during the event. thanks Rachel it was really helpful

Khaled : Volunteered to handle one of the score boards during event , thank you !
Eunice : Volunteered to handle the other score board even though she didn't know how to do , but she showed a real desire to help ... thanks Eunice !!!!

Also Special thanks to our refrees Mr Abin and Chef Steve !! :D
and thanks to others whom I didn't mention and wish for more next time , its all about team work in the end ... we fall down to learn how to stand up, so keep learning.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Me & Alexandria

"You can't know where you're going until you know where you've been"

Few years ago , While watching a movie ,I heard this quote. And since that time I've always kept it in my mind to remind me that no matter where I go or what I do , I should never forget who I am or where I am from.

I'm Egyptian , from Alexandria which lies on the Mediterranean sea coast, which means i'm friendly , hot-tempered and hot blooded :)

Let me tell you some about Alexandria .. It's somewhere you probably have never been to .... just like heaven :)
Have you ever been to heaven ? guess not let me take you there !


Does the name ring any bells ?
It was named after Alexander the great who made it the capital of Egypt. through ages Alexandria has became a mix between Greek , roman , Egyptian ,Arabian and ottoman cultures which makes it a very special city.

There are so many places to go in Alexandria , and its suitable for everyone ... many historical monuments ... Greek , roman , Coptic , Islamic and Egyptian... Ill show you my favorite places in Alexandria.

The Roman Theater

This place have such a special memory in my head:) , it was the first time for me to go there and i was 13 years old. Beside watching all this glory ,it was my first time to interact with other cultures ,when i met the American twins Omar & Nadia ( yes i still remember their names after 9 years hehe ) and I've made the 1st English conversation in my life. I think they were surprised that there's someone who can speak English among all those kids who only say " money please " haha ... and it took my breath away that they took a picture with me .. it made me think ,as a kid back then , that I've crossed the ocean back to America with them trough my picture, well that was before the internet-Mania and facebook age . It was a small thing but it made Mohamed the kid happy for a long long time back then. :)

Well It looks like I have too many memories in Alexandria that it'd take years to write about all of it, so ill shut up for awhile and leave you with the rest of the pictures :)


In the end , no matter where I go ... I will always be proud to be Egyptian and to be one of Alexandria sons :)