Thursday, August 27, 2009

A huge dream .. few skills and no assets but determenation

I have a dream .... well , who doesn't ?!

but my dream is really big for my current situation , thats why it's called a dream.

Some people think we call it a dream because we will never reach there.. so its only an imagination for them , but for me a dream means a vision of the future ..
Nothing is impossible , but somethings are expensive. Are you willing to pay the price ?

about 5 years ago I used to practice Martial Arts in military center in Egypt. I remember a conservation i had once with a friend of mine , when I said" I wish I could win Egypt championship , qualify to world championship and win it , but it's simply impossible." My friend said back " It's not impossible. I guarantee for you that you will win this championship if you pay the price for it , which is expensive. "
I asked what is the price then his reply was " are you willing to train everyday for 6 hours atleast for the next 5 years with the same spirit and to push yourself to adapt physically and mental through these years ?" such an expensive price right?.

I wrote about this now cause i remember ... Nothing is impossible .... but it's us who don't believe in ourselves , plus we are too lazy as human beings, we want to sit down there and watch our dreams come true , we don't want to pay the price.

lets take khaled for example here ... khaled loves the ford mustang , everyone knows that .. it's his dream.
If khaled said " oh i wish to get the mustang someday but its impossible , it cost 20,0000$ and I will never make that much. " it means khaled is not willing to pay the price which is not the 20,000 here ... it is working hard and pushing yourself , being creative and find ways to earn more money , and any other way to reach his goal , he chose to say he wont make it and keep it in his imagination.

or if khaled said " It's my dream .. ill do anything to make it true " and then hes accepting to pay the price of working very hard , improving his financial situation and his life till he make his dream come true ..

and that's why some people dream and wonder why their dreams never come true ...

Are you willing to pay the price for your own dream to become true ? or would you prefer to sit down there and say it's impossible ... it's just a dream anyway ?

getting back to me ... yes i have a dream .. a huge one , so so far away right now , but tomorrow it wont be as far , as i will move a step forward, and as they have always said ... A journey of 1000 miles begins with one step.
I know the price and im willing to pay it, no matter how long it takes ..

I have no skills in this field of my dream , but i have determination which can make me gain skills and run to my dream instead of walking ! :) maybe one day when i make it true i will post here also ! :)


  1. what an interesting topic =), the best sentence which did pull my attention is " your friend explanation about the price of being the world championship " really great words :D
    but, I am wondering about your big dream and what is it !? ^_^

  2. Damn, now that I know this, I have lots of debts to pay off; therefore, I shall cease all dreaming immediately =P

  3. Yes khaled it did change the way i used to think.
    haha about my dream ! someday you will know! :)

  4. hahaha voodoo it doesn't go like this! :p

    it just means ..don't put too much hope on dreams you're not willing to work hard for , or else it's time to start working for it :)
