Sunday, August 30, 2009

Terrorism... who is the terrorist?

Terrorism .... We've been hearing this word too much lately with no real understanding for what it means... let's have a look at the dictionary first.

Terrorism : The calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear'

well .. all this calculated violence bla bla bla in this long definition , we can say terrorism is planned violence against civilians to achieve some goals ....

ok now after we've read the definition and understood it .. why don't we apply it on real life to know who are the real terrorists ..

1. the settlers who killed 100-114 millions of native American Indians , the real land owners .... those settlers actions caused of extermination of total 100-114 millions of HUMANS to install their new country and build the united states of America (God bless America)... isn't this Terrorism ? if this isn't terrorism then what is ?

2. Chi Guevara ... a well known " hero " or a freedom fighter for the west .. a person who fought everywhere cause he believed that all humans should be treated equally .. that's not terrorism .. but lets see some of the hero's actions first .. it is known about guevara that in one of his fights and after damaging the enemy hardly ... he planted bombs in the bodies of the dead and wounded people , so when the back up forces and the first aid come he all of them together .. doesn't seem like a hero behavior for me .. how about you .. does it ? what is the difference between guevara and other people who are fighting to defend their countries and their freedom ? is it because they are arabians ? anyone against america is a terrorist ..

3. the Americans ,again , in Iraq.. they are not fighting an army ... but some groups ,and for that they are killing so many civilians and torturing so many innocent people in their prisons... terrorism ? no .. it's USA!!!

4.all those whom i've mentioned earlier are so innocent comparing to the biggest terrorist .. israel ... they say " a picture is worth a thousand words." so i will let you see the pictures and tell who is the terrorist.

Israeli army asked the children of Israel to write message to Palestine and Lebanon kids

Message Recieved

Isn't it time to stop and think , who is the terrorist?
If you still need time to think , you should see these pictures also.

how about a video of the recent actions ?

I got nothing more to say except one thing ... if terrorism is defending your country and dying for it , if it is supporting those who do so... if terrorism is saying NO to injustice .. if terrorism is helping the weak and standing against the evil even if it's the USA or Israel ... . if that's what USA, Israel and the world call terrorism ... then I would glad to be a terrorist.