Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ramadan in Egypt

There is no doubt that what we can see in in Egypt during the month of Ramadan " the fasting month " can not be seen anywhere else ! :)

You can know it is Ramadan from all the decorations and when you see the Egyptian lanterns all around .

you can know it's Ramadan when you gather with your family in the dawn , eat together then go to the mosque and pray together , where you will see surrounded by the crowd , that you're not the only one who decided to go.

during the fasting hoursyou will see the people working with even more energy that you would think that stopping eating strengthen them.

when it comes to breakfast time , the streets will be very quite as you wont see a car moving , everyone at their home or at their relatives home having their breakfast. Or right in the street ,for the poor people who can't really afford spending much on food and for people who were late and still in the streets , there are stands called " Tables of the merciful " ( merciful here referring to god , so it mean something like god's tables , meaning its god feeding them and providing food , not the donators.
On these table , people who don't know each other get together and share the happiness & food.

after eating and spending time with family , the time comes for the prayer which is called " Taraweeh prayer " ... umm its very hard to translate the meaning but it mean something like soul refreshment :)

In this prayer you see enormous number of people praying , these pictures for Taraweeh prayer are taken at my hometown Alexandria.

hehe that's all for now, here are some few pics for Egypt during Ramadan. i will be adding more later ! :)

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